Share-Your-Story Friday. Mary from CA

I took up memorizing scripture right after I recovered from a bout of postpartum depression that lasted for months, during which time I couldn’t physically open my bible due to the oppression of the enemy yet I knew my soul was dying of thirst and longing desperately for God’s word. I came across a book by Janet Pope called His Word in My Heart, and something in me shouted out with delight.

I proceeded memorizing Psalm 1 as a start, then the book of Titus, as the book suggests. I then felt urged to start a women’s group to go through the book together and memorize scripture at the church I was attending then. Since our finishing of the book, whenever Psalm 1 or any verse from the book of Titus was mentioned in sermons on Sundays, there often was immediate connection and testifying among us who have memorized the same thing and we would turn to each other sharing a moment of insight into the same spiritual realm where we lingered previously in the group, strengthening each other in the faith.

How sweet it is to have sisters in faith witnessing side by side, who, individually and collectively, are being spoken to by the same one living God!

I’m originally from China, majored in English literature and have been living in the States for 4 years. I feel that no other book has the power to speak across different cultures and beyond life stages like the Word does; in it and by it, I finally started to taste the satisfying goodness of relationships as God intends for us to have with Him and with His children.

I have since memorized the book of Ephesians, and am currently in the book of James. I found it helpful to go through in-depth studies on the book at the same time I try to memorize it. I paste whichever chapter I’m memorizing on the wall of our bathroom so I’m reminded to review the verses throughout the day. It is also a way to encourage other family members to join in anytime they want to! There were times in the past 2 years when I didn’t feel like memorizing at all. I felt void and distance from God when I stopped, nothing worked until I got back on it again. God’s word is living and active; I pray God causes me to always seek Him and treasure Him as supreme pleasure to my soul.

7 comments to Share-Your-Story Friday. Mary from CA

  • Shari Blodgett

    This is precious! And so very true–the Lord uses His Word in our hearts in a powerful way. Thank you also, Mary, for bringing out the reality that the enemy of our soul will try to keep us from it. I join with you in the desire to keep treasuring the Lord and His Word all the days of our lives!

  • Mary, I’m so thrilled for this journey that you are on. There’s no limit to the benefits of memorizing his Word. And best of all is the sweet relationship that grows as you think his thoughts and say his words. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

  • ChĂ©rie

    Nothing soothes a soul like Memorizing. When you are going through the troubles of this world like Jesus said we would, He (the WORD made flesh) then said, “take heart, I will be WITH you…..”

    How much more is HE with us than when we have etched the WORD into our mind by memorizing.
    So happy for you Mary.

  • Chris Gray

    Thanks so much for sharing Mary – loved reading your testimony and I’m going to share your testimony 🙂 Keep On!

  • Angela Hogan

    Great testimony, thank you. I love that she expresses the feeling of “understanding” and familiarity when a preacher mentions a passage you’ve memorized. It’s like they’re speaking of your good friend.
    Are we supposed to write our own testimony of scripture memory in the comments on Share Your Story Fridays or is that your title on Fridays?

    • Hi Angela, On certain Fridays we have one person share their story. We’d love to hear yours. I will send you a few guidelines to your email.

  • Heidi Bashoor

    Thank you Mary for sharing. What a joy it will be to your family at home to have their Wife and mother abiding in Christ’s precious word through the day. May your love for His word continue to be infectious at your church family as well. I make it my goal to memorize the book or at least a few chapters of whatever my pastor is systematically teaching through. It has blessed me so much.